Hi there, I'm

Niklas Treml

I do Kubernetes and Programming

I'm a DevOps Engineer at Deutsche Telekom IT operating and developing an internal kubernetes platform.

  1. Container as a Service DevOps Engineer
    at Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH

    Rejoined the Container-as-a-Service team as a full-time employee after shortening my apprenticeship to 2.5 years. Currently working as a DevOps Engineer at Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH, operating and kubernetes as a service platform and developing the accompanying ordering tool. I was also involved in onboarding Google Cloud Platform in the company and am currently working on an infrastructure monitoring tool which will soon be open sourced

  2. Apprentice IT Specialist for System Integration
    at Deutsche Telekom Ausbildung

    Engaged in a team managing and enhancing the internal workplace ordering system, akin to a webshop for employees to request necessary hardware and software. Focused on automating ordering workflows to streamline and reduce manual labor involved in the process.

  3. Apprentice IT Specialist for System Integration
    at Deutsche Telekom Ausbildung

    Contributed within the Container as a Service (CaaS) team, dedicated to an internal Kubernetes platform. Acquired comprehensive knowledge in programming, Kubernetes, and Docker, enriching my expertise in the domain.

Here's some tech I like
